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quarta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2013


"FUNAI- Fundação Nacional do Índio"  films for the first time the tribe of Indians who live isolated in the Amazon.

The video of  TV program "Jornal Hoje" ("Rede Globo"), if you can understand Portuguese, or just watch the images, please click

One of the last tribes of the world that continue to live isolated were filmed by a team from Funai (National Indian Foundation) within the Amazon rainforest.

Nine indians of the Kawahiva tribe were naked in the forest at Colniza, city of Mato Grosso state which is next to Amazon state,  when they were filmed by  "sertanista" Jair Candor.
The men carried bows and arrows, indicating that are the Warriors of the group, while women carried some objects and children. 

It was one of two children who were taken by the last woman, incidentally, who noticed the presence of the "white man" and gave the alert to the Group.
One of the Warriors returned to the site, creating a strong tension, but not attacked the "sertanista". The man was hiding behind vegetation and just noticed the intruders in their territory.    One of the Warriors returned to the site, creating a strong tension, but not attacked the frontiersmen. The man was hiding behind vegetation and just noticed the intruders in their territory.

To understand what the group said, the report in the "Jornal Hoje" of  "Rede Globo", consulted Ana Suely Arruda Cabral, Professor at UnB (University of Brasilia) and expert in indian languages. According to her the indians were looking for a place to rest; and they were talking about traps to catch animals at night. Ana Suely said that the child who spotted the Funai employees shouted "Tapuim", a term which means "enemy" in Tupi-Kawahiva - the language is common to several tribes.

According to Funai, the Kawahiva are nomads and live from hunting and gathering in the forest, since they do not cultivate. They move to other place when they can not find preys. They sleep on a mat made of straw and leaves and produce very few artifacts.

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