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domingo, 14 de julho de 2013


[Reproduced from]

Despite the absence of conclusive demonstration of the National Indian Foundation (Funai), the Belo Sun project, largest open-pit gold mining plant in Brazil, already have  "Licença Prévia" ("Prior Licence"). ["Licença Prévia":  refers to the preliminary phase of  the activity plan, containing basic requirements to be met with respect to the location, installation, and operation, subject to applicable state or federal plans of land use]

Leonardo Amorim, ISA's lawyer ["ISA=Instituto Socioambiental"] says about the project: "The indigenous question is especially important, because the impacts on the Indians were completely ignored in the original EIA (Environmental Imapact Assessment), which makes incomplete data about the negative impacts presented in previous hearings."

The Belo Sun Company Mineração Ltda. is a Brazilian subsidiary of Beautiful Canadian Sun Mining Corp. Forbes Manhattan Group Inc. The company has authorization from the National Department of Mineral production ("DNPM") to mining research in the area of the Volta Grande do Xingu and waiting for the issuance of environmental permit - Prior Licence ("Licença Prévia") by "Sema" ("Secretaria do Meio Ambiente") for deployment of the largest mining and processing project of gold in the country.

The Mining Company submitted their studies with the intention of installing the project approximately 10 km away from the main dam Belo Monte and to 9.5 km of the indigenous land ("TI" = "Terra Indígena") Paquiçamba. In 11 years of operation, the project of the Belo Sun must extract 37.80 million tons of ore.

Legends on the map:
Altamira: it was until recently, the largest municipality in the world (approximately 160 thousand square km), with more than 100 thousand inhabitants, situated in the state of Pará.
"Área de influência direta da UHE" = Direct area of influence of HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER STATION
"Barragem principal da UHE" = Main dam hydro-electric power station
"Trecho de vazão reduzida" = Reduced flow section

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