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quinta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2019


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Deforestation follows with a tendency to increase, according to the Bulletin of Deforestation (SAD) December 2018 disclosed in January by Imazon. In the first five months of the calendar, August to December 2018, 1,706 km2 of deforestation were detected, an increase of 79% compared to the same period last year. The tendency of deforestation is also validated by the data of the DETER (Real-time Deforestation Detection) of the INPE (National Institute of Spatial Research) monitoring system, according to chart below.

In the ranking of the States that most destroyed the forest, Pará State contributed 45% deforestation alerts registered in December 2018. Of the ten municipalities that were the most deforested in that month, seven are in Pará. Mato Grosso occupies the second place in the ranking with 35% of deforestation.

Indigenous Lands

Indigenous land (TI, Terras Indígenas) was the category of protected areas more deforested in December 2018. The Pará state concentrates most of the TIs more pressed by deforestation. The TI Cachoeira Seca do Iriri, located along the trans-Amazonian Highway, lost 8km2 and occupies the first position in the ranking. Another point of attention is the Yanomami indigenous land in Roraima, which has been threatened with cases of trespassing and land conflicts and occupies the seventh position.

Conservation units

The newsletter presents also the ranking of the 10 protected areas with the highest number of alerts of deforestation in December 2018. The Extractive Forest Rio Preto Jacundá and extractive reserve Rio Preto Jacundá, both in Rondônia state, are at the top of the list.

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