The veins of Brazil remain open and politicians "keep one eye on them".
[Reproduced from]Unlike agribusiness lobby, lawmakers linked to mining code modifications orbit around PMDB (the strongest political party that support the government party, the PT).
Owner of a mining company, Vale do Sol, one of the Senators of the "mining code business" is Edison Lobão Filho (PMDB-MA), the son of Edson Lobão of "Minas and Energia" Ministry and strongly linked to Senator José Sarney (PMDB), one of the most influential politicians of the mining bench in Congress.
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Senator José Sarney, former president of Congress, and permanent chieftain of PMDB. A very rich man of Maranhão state, northeastern Brazil |
Another Senator, Romero Jucá, author of the law project that authorizes mining on indigenous lands, is investigated by the Attorney General's Office, charged with benefit for Vale SA, the world's largest mining company of Brazil, second in the world.
Deputy members responsible for the discussion of the new Mining Code indicate the political bureaus of the National Department of Mineral production (DNPM), which is an organ responsible for permits and inspections in the mining industry. Generates royalties that exceed R$ 1 billion (U$ 1.00 = R$2.30) per year.
The same parliamentarians who participate in Special Committee to discuss the subject on Camera have their campaigns financed by some of the largest corporations in the mineral sector.
Many of these politicians are of the PMDB. Meanwhile, the most influential parliamentary enrich during the exercise of their positions. One of these members, Leonardo Quintão (PMDB), Rapporteur of the new code, it is an example of successful parliamentary. Between 2002 and 2010, the lawyer and economist had his personal wealth multiplied from R$314,000 to R$2.6 millions. He enriched 8 times in eight years. He is connected to Eduardo Cunha, the leader of the PMDB.
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