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quarta-feira, 29 de maio de 2013


[Reproduced from  and from Ibama:]

IMAZON (Institute of Man and Environment in the Amazon)

Imazon: Mato Grosso state leads 'short clear cut' in April

IBAMA seizes illegal timber in Mato Grosso. Photo: Ascom Ibama/MT
In April, deforestation in the Amazon,  totaled an area of 140 square kilometers (km2), an increase of 84%in relation to April 2012 when deforestation totaled 76 square kilometers, according to figures released on Saturday (18) by Deforestation  Bulletin of Imazon, who make independent monitoring deforestation in the 'Legal Amazon'.

The monthly data show that deforestation continues rising in the Amazon: August 2012, when started the timing of deforestation, until April 2013, the deforested area totaled 1,570 square kilometers, an increase of 88% in relation to the previous period (August 2011 to April 2012) when deforestation totaled 836 square kilometers.
[Graph below shows deforestation from August 2012 to April 2013 in the 'Legal Amazonia']
['Legal Amazon' = The current area of legally-defined Amazon region corresponds to all of the States of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima, and Tocantins and part of the states of Mato Grosso and Maranhão (west of the meridian of longitude 44), making up an area of approximately 5,217,423 km2 corresponding to about 61% of the Brazilian territory].

IBAMA (Brazilian Institute for the  Environment
From their site:

Brasília (07/05/2013) - Devastation in the Amazon continues to  present downward trend.  In April the Real-time Deforestation Detection system ('DETER') accounted for 147 km² of devastation alerts,  which represents a 37% decrease as compared to  the same month of the previous year. . Reduction was even  more expressive as 28 square km devastation were recorded, which means 53%  less than the 60 km2 recorded in the previous year.

CONCLUSION:  It is difficult for us Brazilians to get    reliable information   even if it is provided by the same source, DETER/INPE.
['INPE' = National Space Research Institute]

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