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terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012


EPA - Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.)

From site:

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

2012 Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks

Prepared annually by EPA, the national greenhouse gas inventory report presents estimates of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and sinks for the years 1990 through 2010. This report also discusses the methods and data used to calculate the emission estimates.

Greenhouse Gas Overview

Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere are often called greenhouse gases. This section of the EPA Climate Change Site provides information and data on emissions of greenhouse gases to Earth’s atmosphere, and also the removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. For more information on the science of climate change, please visit EPA's climate change science home page.

Total GHG Emissions in 2005 [From site of WRI-World Resources Institute)
(excludes land use change)
CO2, CH4, N2O, PFCs, HFCs, SF6

The greatest 20 countries that contribute to green house gas emission in the world:
(Position in the world rank in parenthesis)
Country MtCO2e Rank % of
World Total Metric tons
CO2e Per Person Rank

China 7,242.1 (1) 19.16% 5.6 (82)
United States of America 6,900.9 (2) 18.26% 23.3 (9)
European Union (27) 5,046.7 (3) 13.35% 10.2 (42)
Russian Federation 1,939.6 (4) 5.13% 13.5 (21)
India 1,865.0 (5) 4.93% 1.7 (148)
Japan 1,349.2 (6) 3.57% 10.6 (40)
Brazil 1,010.5 (7) 2.67% 5.4 (86)
Germany 977.5 (8) 2.59% 11.9 (28)
Canada 741.8 (9) 1.96% 23.0 (10)
United Kingdom 642.2 (10) 1.70% 10.7 (39)
Mexico 631.0 (11) 1.67% 5.9 (76)
Indonesia 576.5 (12) 1.53% 2.5 (120)
Iran 568.1 (13) 1.50% 8.1 (61)
Korea (South) 567.8 (14) 1.50% 11.8 (30)
Italy 565.6 (15) 1.50% 9.7 (49)
Australia 560.6 (16) 1.48% 27.5 (7)
France 550.3 (17) 1.46% 8.7 (55)
Ukraine 493.6 (18) 1.31% 10.5 (41)
Spain 436.7 (19) 1.16% 10.1 (45)
South Africa 422.6 (20) 1.12% 9.0 (51)

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